I have been in many shapes
Before achieving this convenient form...
I have been a drop in the air,
I have been a shining star,
I have been a word in a book...
I have the knowledge of the stars,
Of stars which pre-exist the earth.
I know where I have come from,
And the number of the worlds...
I have slept in a hundred islands,
I have lived in a hundred cities...
With a golden jewel set in gold
I am enriched;
And I am indulging in pleasure
Out of the oppressive toil of the goldsmith.

Taliesin, CÂD GODDEU

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Nightly wisdom

In the Dream Journal we are going to explore what is hidden in plain sight, unrealised, in relation to our dreams. When we are tuned to notice, we suddenly see a whole new world.

When we break apart preconceptions, we change the world.

The Dream Journal
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Visual Meditations

Created in resonance with different frequencies, using fractal programs and refining to a specific feeling.
