These images speak on their own, but at this time, I freewrote some text which ended up being part of this image for me.

There was a Mayan king, or ruler, or leader, he was pretty wise, and fairly balanced. He had his staff, he had his fancy hat, or embroidered feathered crown with gold, and he had his wife, his jaguar mistress (totem animal), and his child. He was, overall, pretty pleased with life and himself. After a while he no longer desired his crown and his riches. He wanted to elope with the forest. He wanted to hear the sound of birds as he lay in the deep soil and leaves. He wanted to melt into the earth. While he was laying in the earth one day he saw a flurry of leaves and wings above. An angel appeared to him, in the form of a large rainforest bird. This bird alighted on a branch above, feathers dripping down through the gaps in the trees, and radiating a glorious light. He opened his eyes a little, a little more interested in life for a moment as he was near this unexpected angel. The angel spoke to him in whispers and ruffles, as the forest blew a light wind through its hair and leaves, and the sky eddied above. The angel spoke a message of possibility and of change. An invitation was offered. Would he like to accept? This he did, etherically rising from his body and joining the angel bird as they joined another realm. He lived for years after this, and was able to reach into some of this wisdom he’d experienced.